Extracellular DNA concentrations in various aetiologies of acute kidney injury
Our authors: Janovičová Ľubica, Bábíčková Janka, Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Šebeková Katarína, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Gaál Kovalčíková A, Janovičová Ľ, Hodosy J, Bábíčková J, Vavrincová‑Yaghi D, Vavrinec P, Boor P, Podracká Ľ, Šebeková K, Celec P, Tóthová Ľ

Scientific Reports 2022 Oct 7;12(1):16812


SARS-CoV-2 RNA screening in routine pathology specimens
Our authors: Boor Peter, Celec Peter
All authors: von Stillfried S, Villwock S, Bülow R D, Djudjaj S, Buhl E M, Maurer A, Ortiz-Brüchle N, Celec P, Klinkhammer B M, Wong D W L, Cacchi C, Braunschweig T, Knüchel-Clarke R, Dahl E, Boor P

Microb Biotechnology. 2021 Jul;14(4):1627-1641.



A collagen-binding protein enables molecular imaging of kidney fibrosis in vivo.
Our authors: Bábíčková Janka, Boor Peter
All authors: Baues M, Klinkhammer BM, Ehling J, Gremse F, van Zandvoort MAMJ, Reutelingsperger CPM, Daniel C, Amann K, Bábíčková J, Kiessling F, Floege J, Lammers T, Boor P

Kidney International, 97(3):609-614, 2020.


Elastin imaging enables noninvasive staging and treatment monitoring of kidney fibrosis.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: Sun Q, Baues M, Klinkhammer BM, Ehling J, Djudjaj S, Drude NI, Daniel C, Amann K, Kramann R, Kim H, Saez-Rodriguez J, Weiskirchen R, Onthank DC, Botnar RM, Kiessling F, Floege J, Lammers T, Boor P

Science Translational Medicine, 11(486): eaat4865, 2019


Oxidative stress in the brain caused by acute kidney injury
Our authors: Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Šebeková Katarína, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Kovalcikova A, Gyuraszova M, Vavrincova-Yaghi D, Vavrinec P, Tothova L, Boor P, Sebekova K, Celec P

Metabolic Brain Disease, 33(3):961-967, 2018


Cell-free DNA: the role in pathophysiology and as a biomarker in kidney diseases
Our authors: Bábíčková Janka, Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Celec P, Vlkova B, Laukova L, Babickova J, Boor P

Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine, 2018 Jan 18;20:e1


Thiobarbituric acid reacting substances and their relation to the gingival inflammation.
Our authors: Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július
All authors: Celec P, Cervenka T, Hodosy J, Boor P, Vesela S, Halcak L, Ostatnikova D, Tomandlova A, Rendekova V, Podhradsky J

Timisoara Medical Journal, 54: 81-85, 2004


Effects of anabolic steroids and antioxidant vitamins on ethanol-induced tissue injury.
Our authors: Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július
All authors: Celec P, Jani P, Smrekova L, Mrlian A, Kudela M, Hodosy J, Boor P, Kristova V, Jakubovsky J, Jezova D, Halcak L, Bozek P, Slamova J, Ulicna O, Hojsik D, Jurkovicova I

Life Sciences, 74 (4): 419-434, 2003


Regardless of etiology, progressive renal disease causes ultrastructural and functional alterations of peritubular capillaries.
Our authors: Bábíčková Janka, Boor Peter
All authors: Babickova J, Klinkhammer BM, Buhl EM, Djudjaj S, Hoss M, Heymann F, Tacke F, Floege J, Becker JU, Boor P

Kidney International, 91(1):70-85, 2017



Regular moderate exercise reduces advanced glycation and ameliorates early diabetic nephropathy in obese Zucker rats.
Our authors: Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Šebeková Katarína
All authors: Boor P, Celec P, Behuliak M, Grancic P, Kebis A, Kukan M, Pronayova N, Liptaj T, Ostendorf T, Sebeková K

Metabolism, 58(11): 1669-1677, 2009


Renal, vascular and cardiac fibrosis in rats exposed to passive smoking and industrial dust fiber amosite.
Our authors: Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Šebeková Katarína
All authors: Boor P, Casper S, Celec P, Hurbankova M, Beno M, Heidland A, Amann K, Sebekova K

Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 13 (11-12): 4484-4491, 2009


Association of biochemical parameters and RAGE gene polymorphisms in healthy infants and their mothers.
Our authors: Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Minárik Gabriel, Šebeková Katarína, Vlková Barbora
All authors: Boor P, Celec P, Klenovicsova K, Vlkova B, Szemes T, Minarik G, Turna J, Sebekova K

Clinica Chimica Acta, 411 (15-16): 1034-1040, 2010


Bactofection with Toll-Like Receptor 4 in a Murine Model of Urinary Tract Infection.
Our authors: Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Tothova L, Hodosy J, Kamodyova N, Janega P, Slobodnikova L, Liptakova A, Boor P, Celec P

Current Microbiology, 62 (6): 1739-1742, 2011


Y-Box Binding Protein-1 Mediates Profibrotic Effects of Calcineurin Inhibitors in the Kidney.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: Hanssen L, Frye BC, Ostendorf T, Alidousty C, Djudjaj S, Boor P, Rauen T, Floege J, Mertens PR, Raffetseder U

The Journal of Immunology, 187 (1): 298-308, 2011


Extracellular YB-1 Blockade in Experimental Nephritis Upregulates Notch-3 Receptor Expression and Signaling.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: Raffetseder U, Rauen T, Boor P, Ostendorf T, Hanssen L, Floege J, En-Nia A, Djudjaj S, Frye BC, Mertens PR

Nephron Experimental Nephrology, 118 (4): 100-108, 2011


Induction of progressive glomerulonephritis by podocyte-specific overexpression of platelet-derived growth factor-D.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: van Roeyen CR, Eitner F, Boor P, Moeller MJ, Raffetseder U, Hanssen L, Bücher E, Villa L, Banas MC, Hudkins KL, Alpers CE, Ostendorf T, Floege J

Kidney International, 80 (12): 1292-1305, 2011


The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α agonist, BAY PP1, attenuates renal fibrosis in rats.
Our authors: Boor Peter, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Šebeková Katarína
All authors: Boor P, Celec P, Martin IV, Villa L, Hodosy J, Klenovicsova K, Esposito C, Schafer S, Albrecht-Kupper B, Ostendorf T, Heidland A, Sebekova K

Kidney International, 80 (11): 1182-1197, 2011


Effects and mechanisms of angiotensin II receptor blockade with telmisartan in a normotensive model of mesangioproliferative nephritis.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: Villa L, Boor P, Konieczny A, Kunter U, van Roeyen CR, Denecke B, Gan L, Kupper MB, Hoffmann K, Eitner F, Ostendorf T, Floege J

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 26 (10): 3131-3143, 2011


Notch-3 receptor activation drives inflammation and fibrosis following tubulointerstitial kidney injury.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: Djudjaj S, Chatziantoniou C, Raffetseder U, Guerrot D, Dussaule JC, Boor P, Kerroch M, Hanssen L, Brandt S, Dittrich A, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Zhu C, Lindenmeyer M, Cohen CD, Mertens PR

The Journal of Pathology, 228 (3): 286-299 2012


A Novel, Dual Role of CCN3 in Experimental Glomerulonephritis: Pro-Angiogenic and Antimesangioproliferative Effects.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: van Roeyen CR, Boor P, Borkham-Kamphorst E, Rong S, Kunter U, Martin IV, Kaitovic A, Fleckenstein S, Perbal B, Trautwein C, Weiskirchen R, Ostendorf T, Floege J

American Journal of Pathology, 180 (5): 1979-1990, 2012

Primary cultures of glomerular parietal epithelial cells or podocytes with proven origin.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: Kabgani N, Grigoleit T, Schulte K, Sechi A, Sauer-Lehnen S, Tag C, Boor P, Kuppe C, Warsow G, Schordan S, Mostertz J, Chilukoti RK, Homuth G, Endlich N, Tacke F, Weiskirchen R, Fuellen G, Endlich K, Floege J, Smeets B, Moeller MJ

PLoS ONE, 7 (4): e34907, 2012