Protective effect of captopril, olmesartan, melatonin and compound 21 on doxorubicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats.
Our authors: Celec Peter
All authors: Hrenak J, Arendasova K, Rajkovicova R, Aziriova S, Repova K, Krajcirovicova K, Celec P, Kamodyova N, Barta A, Adamcova M, Paulis L, Simko F

Physiological Research, 12 (62): 181-189, 2013

Effect of exogenous testosterone on oxidative status of the testes in adult male rats.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Tothova L, Celec P, Ostatnikova D, Okuliarova M, Zeman M, Hodosy J

Andrologia,  45 (6): 417-423, 2013

Therapeutic DNA vaccination and RNA interference in inflammatory bowel disease.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Gardlík Roman
All authors: Gardlik R, Bartonova A, Celec P

International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 32 (2): 492-496, 2013

Mental rotation in intellectually gifted boys is affected by the androgen receptor CAG repeat polymorphism.
Our authors: Celec Peter
All authors: Durdiakova J, Lakatosova S, Kubranska A, Laznibatova J, Ficek A, Ostatnikova D, Celec P

Neuropsychologia, 51 (9): 1693-1698, 2013

No harmful effect of different Coca-cola beverages after 6months of intake on rat testes.
Our authors: Bábíčková Janka, Celec Peter, Hodosy Július, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Tothova L, Hodosy J, Mettenburg K, Fabryova H, Wagnerova A, Babickova J, Okuliarova M, Zeman M, Celec P

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 31 (62): 343-348, 2013

YB-1 Is an Early and Central Mediator of Bacterial and Sterile Inflammation In Vivo.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: Hanssen L, Alidousty C, Djudjaj S, Frye BC, Rauen T, Boor P, Mertens PR, van Roeyen CR, Tacke F, Heymann F, Tittel AP, Koch A, Floege J, Ostendorf T, Raffetseder U

The Journal of Immunology, 191 (5): 2604-2613, 2013

Warfarin Induces Cardiovascular Damage in Mice.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: Krüger T, Oelenberg S, Kaesler N, Schurgers LJ, van de Sandt AM, Boor P, Schlieper GR, Brandenburg VM, Fekete BC, Veulemans V, Ketteler M, Vermeer C, Jahnen-Dechent W, Floege J, Westenfeld R

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 33 (11): 2618-2624, 2013

Neuronal activation in the central nervous system of rats in the initial stage of chronic kidney disease-modulatory effects of losartan and moxonidine.
Our authors: Šebeková Katarína
All authors: Palkovits M, Sebekova K, Klenovics KS, Kebis A, Fazeli G, Bahner U, Heidland A

PLoS One, 8 (6): 6543, 2013

Neuromuscular electrostimulation techniques: historical aspects and current possibilities in treatment of pain and muscle waisting.
Our authors: Šebeková Katarína
All authors: Heidland A, Fazeli G, Klassen A, Sebekova K, Hennemann H, Bahner U, Di Iorio B

Clinical Nephrology, 79 (13): 12-23, 2013

Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF)-C Neutralization Reveals Differential Roles of PDGF Receptors in Liver and Kidney Fibrosis.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: Martin IV, Borkham-Kamphorst E, Zok S, van Roeyen CR, Eriksson U, Boor P, Hittatiya K, Fischer HP, Wasmuth HE, Weiskirchen R, Eitner F, Floege J, Ostendorf T

American Journal of Pathology, 182 (1): 107-117, 2013


Antioxidant vitamins prevent oxidative and carbonyl stress in an animal model of obstructive sleep apnea.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Gardlík Roman, Hodosy Július
All authors: Celec P, Jurkovicova I, Buchta R, Bartik I, Gardlik R, Palffy R, Mucska I, Hodosy J

Sleep and Breathing, 17 (2): 867-871, 2013

Spectrum of mutations in gastrointestinal stromal tumor patients – a population-based study from Slovakia.
Our authors: Minárik Gabriel
All authors: Minarik G, Plank L, Lasabova Z, Szemes T, Burjanivova T, Szepe P, Buzalkova V, Porubsky D, Sufliarsky J

Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica – APMIS, 121 (6): 539-548, 2013


Biological responses to PDGF-AA versus PDGF-CC in renal fibroblasts.
Our authors: Boor Peter
All authors: Seikrit C, Henkel C, van Roeyen CR, Bokemeyer D, Eitner F, Martin IV, Boor P, Knüchel R, Meyer HE, Müller-Newen G, Eriksson U, Floege J, Ostendorf T

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 28 (4): 889-900, 2013

The short-term effects of soybean intake on oxidative and carbonyl stress in men and women.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Gardlík Roman, Hodosy Július
All authors: Celec P, Hodosy J, Palffy R, Gardlik R, Halcak L, Ostatnikova D

Molecules, 18 (5): 5190-5200, 2013

Thiopurine s-methyltransferase gene polymorphisms in a healthy slovak population and pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Our authors: Minárik Gabriel
All authors: Chocholova A, Soltysova A, Minarik G, Cierna I, Sufliarska S, Mladosievicova B

Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 32 (5): 239-246, 2013

Salivary markers of oxidative stress are related to age and oral health in adult non-smokers.
Our authors: Celec Peter, Tóthová Ľubomíra
All authors: Celecova V, Kamodyova N, Tothova L, Kudela M, Celec P

Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 42 (3): 263-266, 2013

Alcohol based fixatives provide excellent tissue morphology, protein immunoreactivity and RNA integrity in paraffin embedded tissue specimens.
Our authors: Celec Peter
All authors: Milcheva R, Janega P, Celec P, Russev R, Babal P

Acta Histochemica, 115 (3): 279-289, 2013